1. 观察颜色:真朱砂颜色鲜艳,红色分明,有些光泽;而假朱砂颜色暗淡,没有光泽。
2. 重量:真正的朱砂很重,放在手中会有压手的感觉,而假朱砂则轻飘飘的。
3. 手感:真朱砂质地温润细腻,给人如玉的感觉,而假朱砂质地粗糙干燥。
4. 表面纹理:真朱砂表面纹理较粗,颗粒分布和颜色不是很均匀,含有黑色或白色杂质,而假朱砂表面纹路分布太均匀,看起来很有规律。
5. 光泽:真朱砂的表面光泽度非常好,而假朱砂表面光泽暗淡
6. 断面:真朱砂的横截面有明显的晶体颗粒,看起来像是带有金属光泽的亮片或亮点,而假朱砂的横截面没有晶体颗粒,非常光滑。
7. 划痕实验:真朱砂在白纸上划过后,会看到一条明显的红线,而假朱砂多为人工合成,划过白纸后不会留有痕迹。
8. 火烧实验:朱砂用锡纸包好加热,真正的朱砂加热后会逐渐变黑,但冷却后会恢复原来的颜色,假朱砂加热发黑后不会恢复原来的颜色,灼烧时伴有刺鼻塑料味。
1.Observing the color: Genuine cinnabar is bright, distinctly red, and has some luster; while fake cinnabar is dull and lacks luster.
2.Weight: Real cinnabar is very heavy, and will feel heavy in the hand, while fake cinnabar is very light.
3.Texture: Genuine cinnabar has a warm and delicate texture, giving people a jade-like feeling, while fake cinnabar has a rough and dry texture.
4.Surface texture: The surface texture of real cinnabar is coarse, with uneven distribution of particles and colors, containing black or white impurities. In contrast, the surface texture of fake cinnabar is too uniform in distribution, appearing very regular.
5.Luster: Genuine cinnabar has a very good surface luster, while fake cinnabar has a dull surface luster.
6.Cross-section: The cross-section of real cinnabar has obvious crystal grains, which look like shiny flakes or spots with metallic luster, while the cross-section of fake cinnabar has no crystal grains and is very smooth.
7.Scratch test: Real cinnabar will leave a noticeable red line on white paper when scratched, while fake cinnabar, often synthetically produced, will not leave any marks when scratched on white paper.
8.Burning experiment: Wrap the cinnabar in tin foil and heat it. Real cinnabar will gradually turn black when heated, but will return to its original color after cooling. Fake cinnabar, on the other hand, will not return to its original color after turning black when heated and will emit a pungent plastic smell during burning.