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道教七星劍彩繪朱砂吊墜掛件 Taoism Stones Natural Cinnabar Seven Star Sword Necklace Pendant


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什么是朱砂?我们的朱砂来源于哪里?What is Cinnabar?Where does our Cinnabar come from?

朱砂,又称丹砂或辰砂,是一种硫化物矿物。朱砂的来源主要在中国的一些地区,包括湖北、湖南、广西、贵州、四川和云南等省区 。我们的朱砂主要来自贵州和湖南两个地区的矿带。 Cinnabar, also known as vermilion or mercury sulfide, is a sulfide mineral. Its sources are mainly found in several regions of China, including Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, and Yunnan. Our cinnabar primarily comes from the mineral belts in Guizhou and Hunan.

朱砂有什么用途?What are the uses of cinnabar?

 1. 医药用途:朱砂在医药中具有清心镇惊、安神、明目和解毒的功效,常用于治疗心悸易惊、失眠多梦、癫痫发狂,促进血液循环等症状 。用药含量需要由医生指引 。 
 2. 道教用途: 朱砂在道教文化中也具有重要的地位,与制作符文有关,被认为有辟邪挡煞的效果,可用于制作符文或供给寺庙。 
The uses of cinnabar
 1. Medicinal Uses: Cinnabar has the effects of calming the mind, relieving anxiety, promoting sleep, brightening the eyes, and detoxifying. It is commonly used to treat symptoms such as palpitations, restlessness, insomnia with vivid dreams, and seizures, as well as to promote blood circulation. The dosage should be guided by a physician. 
 2. In Taoist culture, cinnabar holds significant importance, as it is associated with the creation of talismans and is believed to have the ability to ward off evil and dispel malevolent forces. It can be used in the production of talismans or provided to temples.

佩戴朱砂有什么好处?What are the benefits of wearing a cinnabar?

 1. 镇静安神:对于睡眠质量不好,容易焦虑的,可以佩戴朱砂或者将朱砂放置枕头底下改善睡眠质量。
 2. 转运旺运:佩戴朱砂可以使运气转变,从不利的情况转向有利的情况。同时增强运气,特别是在事业、财运等方面。
 3. 辟邪挡煞:
 辟邪:指的是驱除邪气或邪恶的力量,保护人免受其害。在传统信仰中,邪气可能来源于多种原因,如不洁的环境、不良的气场等。 -
 The benefits of wearing red cinnabar:
 1.Calm the mind and soothe the nerves: For those with poor sleep quality and prone to anxiety, wearing cinnabar or placing cinnabar under the pillow can improve sleep quality. 
 2.Wearing cinnabar can transform luck from unfavorable situations to favorable ones, while enhancing luck, especially in career and wealth aspects. 
 3.warding off malevolence:
 Dispelling Evil: It refers to driving away negative energy or evil forces to protect people from harm. In traditional beliefs, evil energy may arise for various reasons, such as impure environment or negative aura. 
 Block bad luck:Refers to blocking or eliminating bad luck, which in feng shui refers to negative energy or influences that are harmful to people. This may be caused by unfavorable geographical environments, building layouts, etc.

佩戴朱砂的注意事项 Precautions for wearing cinnabar

 1. 洗澡时不宜佩戴:朱砂不溶于水,但长时间与水接触可能影响它的色泽,由于是天然的矿石,长期接触洗发水,沐浴露等化学成分会影响朱砂的品质 
 2. 选购正宗朱砂产品:市场上可能存在人工合成的伪朱砂,应选择有信誉的商家购买,以确保朱砂的天然性和安全性 。 
 3. 注意保养:朱砂易碎,应妥善保管,避免与硬物接触或摔落,同时避免阳光直射,以免色泽改变 。 
 4. 避免接触铁器和瓷器:朱砂与铁器或瓷器接触可能会导致其功效减弱 。 
 5. 避免高温:高温可能会改变朱砂的性质,使其变得不稳定 。
 6. 避免与磁铁等物品放置在一起:可能会影响朱砂的功效 。
 7. 月经期间的女性和孕妇最好避免佩戴:朱砂具有一定的活血化瘀作用,不适合该时期的女性佩戴 。
 8. 避免儿童误食:过于小的朱砂产品,尽量避开小朋友接触到,以免误食。 
Wearing cinnabar has specific precautions and taboos. Here are some key points: 
 1.It is not advisable to wear cinnabar while bathing: Cinnabar does not dissolve in water, but prolonged exposure to water may affect its color. As a natural mineral, long-term exposure to chemicals such as shampoo and shower gel can also affect the quality of cinnabar. 
 2.When purchasing authentic cinnabar products, it is possible to encounter synthetic counterfeits on the market. Therefore, it is advisable to select reputable merchants to ensure the naturalness and safety of cinnabar. 
 3.Attention to maintenance: Cinnabar is fragile and should be properly stored to avoid contact or dropping with hard objects. At the same time, it should be protected from direct sunlight to prevent changes in color. 
 4.Avoid contact with ironware and porcelain: Cinnabar may lose its effectiveness when in contact with ironware or porcelain. 
 5.Avoid high temperatures: High temperatures may alter the properties of cinnabar, making it unstable.
 6.Avoid placing it together with items such as magnets: it may affect the effectiveness of cinnabar.
 7.Women during menstruation and pregnant women are advised to avoid wearing cinnabar, as it has a certain blood-activating and stasis-dispelling effect, which is not suitable for women during this period. 8.Avoid children from mistakenly eating: products that are too small, try to keep them out of reach of children to prevent accidental ingestion.
朱砂有毒吗?Is cinnabar toxic?
朱砂的主要成分是硫化汞(HgS),在正常情况下,朱砂不会分解产生有毒物质。然而,当朱砂加热到足够高的温度时,如300度以上,它可能会分解并释放出二氧化汞和硫化物等有毒气体 。在车内等封闭空间中,如果温度升高,可能会产生这种有毒气体。因此,建议选择我们的产品,已经经过人工提纯的朱砂制品,这些制品中的硫含量较低,不易分解产生有毒气体 。
 The main component of cinnabar is mercury sulfide (HgS). Under normal circumstances, cinnabar does not decompose to produce toxic substances. However, when cinnabar is heated to a sufficiently high temperature, such as above 300 degrees Celsius, it may decompose and release toxic gases such as mercury dioxide and sulfides. In enclosed spaces such as car interiors, if the temperature rises, it may generate such toxic gases. Therefore, it is recommended to choose our product, which is made from artificially purified cinnabar, with lower sulfur content and less likely to decompose and produce toxic gases.
如何鉴定朱砂的真假?How to identify the authenticity of cinnabar?
 1. 观察颜色:真朱砂颜色鲜艳,红色分明,有些光泽;而假朱砂颜色暗淡,没有光泽。 
 2. 重量:真正的朱砂很重,放在手中会有压手的感觉,而假朱砂则轻飘飘的。 
 3. 手感:真朱砂质地温润细腻,给人如玉的感觉,而假朱砂质地粗糙干燥。 
 4. 表面纹理:真朱砂表面纹理较粗,颗粒分布和颜色不是很均匀,含有黑色或白色杂质,而假朱砂表面纹路分布太均匀,看起来很有规律。 
 5. 光泽:真朱砂的表面光泽度非常好,而假朱砂表面光泽暗淡 
 6. 断面:真朱砂的横截面有明显的晶体颗粒,看起来像是带有金属光泽的亮片或亮点,而假朱砂的横截面没有晶体颗粒,非常光滑。
 7. 划痕实验:真朱砂在白纸上划过后,会看到一条明显的红线,而假朱砂多为人工合成,划过白纸后不会留有痕迹。
 8. 火烧实验:朱砂用锡纸包好加热,真正的朱砂加热后会逐渐变黑,但冷却后会恢复原来的颜色,假朱砂加热发黑后不会恢复原来的颜色,灼烧时伴有刺鼻塑料味。

 1.Observing the color: Genuine cinnabar is bright, distinctly red, and has some luster; while fake cinnabar is dull and lacks luster.
 2.Weight: Real cinnabar is very heavy, and will feel heavy in the hand, while fake cinnabar is very light. 
 3.Texture: Genuine cinnabar has a warm and delicate texture, giving people a jade-like feeling, while fake cinnabar has a rough and dry texture.
 4.Surface texture: The surface texture of real cinnabar is coarse, with uneven distribution of particles and colors, containing black or white impurities. In contrast, the surface texture of fake cinnabar is too uniform in distribution, appearing very regular. 
 5.Luster: Genuine cinnabar has a very good surface luster, while fake cinnabar has a dull surface luster. 
 6.Cross-section: The cross-section of real cinnabar has obvious crystal grains, which look like shiny flakes or spots with metallic luster, while the cross-section of fake cinnabar has no crystal grains and is very smooth.
 7.Scratch test: Real cinnabar will leave a noticeable red line on white paper when scratched, while fake cinnabar, often synthetically produced, will not leave any marks when scratched on white paper. 
 8.Burning experiment: Wrap the cinnabar in tin foil and heat it. Real cinnabar will gradually turn black when heated, but will return to its original color after cooling. Fake cinnabar, on the other hand, will not return to its original color after turning black when heated and will emit a pungent plastic smell during burning.
朱砂有什么类别,每种类别的区别以及制造工艺? What are the categories of cinnabar and the differences between each category?
 1. 天然朱砂原矿:这是朱砂的最原始形态,含有各种天然矿石汇总的伴生石,通过打磨做成各种工艺品样式 
 2. 朱砂晶体:晶体状结构,颜色红或橙红,用于饰品和装饰材料。
 3. 水飞砂:是通过水飞法的细朱砂颗粒(朱砂粉)压制而成的,它的制作原材料是朱砂。水飞法是一种利用水和重力分离矿物中的杂质的方法,可以提高朱砂的纯度。 
 4. 还原朱砂矿石:纯度较低,颜色较暗,用于红色颜料制作。
 5. 无根砂:颜色较浅,用于装饰材料和红墨水制作。 
 6. 紫金砂:由朱砂矿石的小颗粒压制而成,经过打磨抛光后制成的,通常用于制作吉祥饰品,如朱砂本命佛、朱砂手串、朱砂貔貅等,被认为具有转运、避煞和提升免疫力的作用。   7. 帝王砂:高品质的朱砂,颜色鲜艳,用于制作贵重装饰品。 
 8. 普通朱砂:通用品种,颜色和纹理多样,用于书画装裱和墨块制作。 
Types of cinnabar:
 1.Natural cinnabar ore: This is the most primitive form of cinnabar, containing various accompanying stones from natural minerals. It is polished to create various styles of handicrafts.
 2. crystalline structure sand:crystalline structure, red or orange-red in color, used for jewelry and decorative materials. 
 3.Water-blown sand: It is made by pressing fine cinnabar particles (cinnabar powder) obtained through the water floating method, with cinnabar as the raw material. The water floating method is a method of separating impurities from minerals using water and gravity, which can improve the purity of cinnabar. 
 4.Restoring cinnabar ore:Low purity, dark color, used for making red pigment. 
 5.rootless sand: Light in color, used for decorative materials and making red ink. 
 6.Purple Sand: Made from small particles of cinnabar ore, polished and polished, usually used to make auspicious ornaments, such as cinnabar Buddha, cinnabar hand string, cinnabar pixiu, etc., believed to have the functions of transportation, avoiding evil spirits, and enhancing immunity. 
 7.Emperor Sand:High-quality cinnabar, with bright colors, is used for crafting valuable decorative items. 
 8.Ordinary cinnabar: a commonly used variety with various colors and textures, used for mounting paintings and calligraphy and making ink blocks.
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道教七星劍彩繪朱砂吊墜掛件 Taoism Stones Natural Cinnabar Seven Star Sword Necklace Pendant
